Thursday, August 2, 2012

Coming Full Circle on Comics

I do not know about you, but when I was a youngster, I always marvelously excited to go to the grocery store. Not only because I like filling my fat ass up with Twinkies, but a comic book store was next to the A&P grocery store. My love of comic books started then. This was a time when I was not even thinking about pussy. The only worries in those days were if I would get Tecmo Super Bowl to work on my NES and if I would get the Spider-Man holograph, I needed to complete the set. The art in The Amazing Spider-Man comic books made me salivate like the chicken nuggets with barbecue sauce. I may very well have spilled barbecue sauce in an old Punisher comic.

I remember being so meticulous about completing trading card collections. Somehow, I never brought that to comics when I was younger. I only looked for the dopest covers to deem a purchase necessary. Compulsions keep most people from just picking up anywhere. Thanks to the Marvel and DC Universe reboots, my compulsions are finally allowing me to get back into one of my childhood loves.

These reboots happened over a year ago, so I have some catching up to do. Comics are the cheapest of all media forms to get involved in. Most books range from $3-$6. Some cover variants are rarer, thus cost more. The new Avengers vs. X-Men have a few different cover variants, which cost run between $25 and $100. Action Comics from the 1940’s are selling for immense currency now. I do not know if this new reboot will cause a huge influx in price over the next 70 years. Then again with every entertainment medium (comics included) moving to the digital front soft-cover comics could possibly be even more valuable 70 years from now.

The love I had for comics faded when sports, chicks, hanging with friends, and video games stole my heart. I have always liked them, but the passion was gone. Now that I have two boys of my own, I am starting back up. I am ready to have some more wet dreams about Wonder Woman. The time has come for Hulk to bulk up some space in my nightstands.

Kevin Smith has been a huge inspiration for me to get back into comics. I have been reading his two Batman series Batman: Cacophony and Batman: The Widening Gyre. Part two of The Widening Gyre will be coming out hopefully in the near future. Smith’s childhood friend Walt Flanagan penned the pages of these comics with Kevin. It feels odd to admit I enjoy the artwork of the villains more than I do Batman. Onomatopoeia has to be one of my favorite villains of recent memory, and Walt nailed it. I stared at Cacophony for almost an hour the other night just looking at the artwork. As good as the art is in these series, one of my all-time favorite and most inspirational writers Kevin Smith worked his aural magic onto the pages in such a dick hardening way. Kevin and Walt are writing the final story of the old Batman lure with The Widening Gyre part two. I so hope they make Batman and Robin get married in a Chick-fil-a parking lot.

Avengers vs. X-Men and Batman are the two reboots I have started reading. Avengers vs. X-Men is only part of a 12 issue series, so there looks to be a ton of fighting coming up in the next few issues. Batman will probably go on forever, well at least until they decide to reboot into the “future age” of comics.

There are still just so many to get through, but I will try to hit all of the major ones to write about on here. I also never read Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight” miniseries when I was younger. I grew up in the late 80’s early 90’s, so I was only a child when those books came out. Now I can appreciate them, so I will dive into them. I will probably do a blog on each one of them. That is all for today, stay g33ked out.


  1. I had the same reaction when I saw the universes reboot. I was like, well time to jump back it. I am currently cruising through the entire marvel Ultimate universe and it is great getting back to web slinging and inter dimmensional travel. Keep up the great work man. Also I can't wait for the AVX hardcover gonna read the shit out of that book.

    1. I'm sure it will be a great book when it comes out. It is so amazing so far. I can't believe they are only doing 12 issues, and nine just came out yesterday. I figured a great way to plunge in would be AvX, because I love both the Avengers and X-Men. Getting a double dose of super heroes can just get you going. I never read any of the Ultimates, but they sound pretty cool. I was more into The Amazing Spider-Man. Thanks for checking it out.

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