Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Captain America, Iron Man 2, and The Dark Knight

In the past two days, I have watched Captain America for the first time, and Iron Man 2 and The Dark Knight again. All the movies are great, and I have been watching all of the Avengers prequels getting ready to see the Avengers. I know I should lose g33k cred having not seen it yet, but give me a break I have seen The Dark Knight Rises twice. My oldest son, Bray, and I will be seeing Spider-Man and then The Avengers soon. There will be more to come on The Avengers movie in the future. There are spoilers in this blog. Captain America and Iron Man 2 are both on Netflix right now, and if you have yet to see The Dark Knight then you probably are not reading my blog.

Captain America is the goofiest of the recent string of Comic Book movies, Chris Evans managed to pull it perfectly. My favorite part of the movie was when Dr. Erskine told Rogers his smallness would make him selfless, and wow Hollywood made that count at the end with his selfless act to crash the plane while he was still over the water. The funniest part was the end when Nick Fury tells him he slept for 70 years, and his biggest concern was about missing that date. Red Skull looked awesome in the movie too. The only bad thing I can say is that no major parts of this movie struck me in such a way that I would carry those memories on for a while. I also have no desire to keep watching it. I give Captain America 7.75 out of 10.

Iron Man 2 challenged Tony Stark in a way much different from the first. The first Iron Man Starks resolve was tested while he was in the cave. This time around, Stark had already announced himself as Iron Man, so he has everyone from Hammer's weapons to the congress trying to take Iron Man the very thing, which is keeping him alive. In this one Nick Fury gets involved much earlier than he did in Captain America (which he literally came in at the very end). Fury and S.H.I.E.L.D. play a major role in helping Tony Stark realize his true potential. Fury motivated him by showing him something his father discovered, but did not have the technology. So of course, Tony Start rediscovered a new element with his super-cool technology. Stark uses this technology to save his own life, and to fight off a series of Hammer’s Iron Man-like drones. I give Iron Man 2 8.75 out of 10.

The Dark Knight is one of the defining Batman movies of all-time. Christopher Nolan treats the characters and especially the villains with such earnest respect. I find everything he does so believable. From Scarecrow's burlap sack, to the Joker's hair only being dyed green and using make-up, to Two Face's face looking so realistic spilling some of the shot he takes in the bar scene. The way The Dark Knight had me hyped so much for The Dark Knight Rises could easily be on of the reasons I think The Dark Knight Rises is my favorite movie of all-time. I just keep watching this movie repeatedly waiting for The Dark Knight Rises to hit the $3 Theater and then Blue-ray. I give The Dark Knight a whopping 9.75 out of 10.

It has been watching these movies again lately. I have also just started reading all of the Marvel Universe and DC Universe reboots lately. I will write a blog about the comics in a blog in the near future. What do you want me to write about? In addition, I am into interviewing some of you who have seen The Dark Knight Rises for quotes in an upcoming blog. If you want to be one of the people, I quote then spit something in the comments underneath and we will get to it. Stay connected and g33k on!

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